Any time you are on a web page which you'd like to save to Zotero, just click the Zotero Connector button in your browser's toolbar library. In the Zotero library you will see that this web page has been added to your list of items.
When you click the Zotero Connector button, it doesn't just save the reference details of the web page. It also saves a copy, or "snapshot," of the web page as it appears at that moment. This copy is stored on your computer and, optionally, in your Zotero online account. That means you will always have the copy of the page when you did your research.
Sometimes, you may want to add a web page as a reference to your Zotero library, but the Zotero reference icon may not appear in the address bar. Zotero intentionally obscures the option to manually reference a web page. This is because it is easier and more powerful to reference a web page using the Zotero Connector browser plugin. However, it is possible to manually add a web page reference. First, you will need to manually create a reference for some other type of item. Then, in the right pane, choose "Web page" from the "Item Type" field:
It is easy to use the Zotero Connector browser plugin to automatically save references as you go along. But sometimes you will want or need to save references manually:
To add references manually, click the green plus "New Item" button and select the item type.
Now, in the right pane, enter the details of the source:
The "New Item" menu shows a few common types of references. If you mouse over the "More" submenu, you get a list of almost all the types of items Zotero supports. To manually enter web page reference see the section "Getting references from websites".
Do you have the book in front of you and want to add it to your Zotero library without having to search for a citation?
If you have a book's ISBN or an online article's DOI, just click on "Add item by identifier." Type in the book or article's number, and Zotero will automatically download its information and save it to your library.