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Library and Learning Services

Zotero: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Reference management application designed to store and manage references.

Zotero and OpenAthens Access Issues

Check your Zotero Connector

If you have installed the Zotero Connector on your browser, and used it when the library relied on the EZproxy method of authentication, Zotero will automatically associate library resources with a previously defined proxy. Meaning, your Zotero Connector may be storing information related to EZproxy that could cause OpenAthens access issues. Be sure to update your Zotero Connector preferences:

  1. Click "Settings" in Chrome and select "Extensions". 
  2. Click on the Zotero Connector Details link and Select "Extension Options".
  3. In the “General” tab > Automatic File Importing > Enabled Hostnames. If there is a hostname with “ezproxy” in it, please remove it.
  4. In the “Proxies” tab > uncheck "Enable proxy redirection".

Your Proxies settings should look like the screenshot below:

For more information, visit Zotero Connector Preferences.


Because Zotero is open-source software, many users have created various plugins to enhance the software that are free to use. These plugins can improve the interface, provide new visualization tools, integrate with LaTex/BibTex, and more!

Troubleshooting Basics

Step 1: Update Zotero

Upgrade Zotero if you aren't running the latest version, as your issue may have already been resolved in the most recent release. You can see the version you're running by selecting About Zotero from the Zotero menu (Mac) or Help menu (Windows/Linux).

Step 2: Check the troubleshooting pages

If something in Zotero appears to not be working correctly, check the Frequently Asked Questions, and Knowledge Base. The following dedicated troubleshooting pages may also be helpful:

Step 3: Post to the forums

If you can't find the answer to your question in the documentation, post a message to the Zotero forums. Both Zotero developers and community members offer support through the forums.

If you're new to the Zotero Forums, please read the forum guidelines and bug reporting procedures before posting.

Note: You need to create a Zotero account and log in to the Zotero website to post messages in the Zotero Forums.

Known Translator Issues

See the list of known Zotero translator issues.  These are databases that have some conflicts with Zotero.